Marina Kornienko, a modern-like good angel
Marina Kornienko-Mizrakh is one of the brightest public figures in modern Ukraine.00:20, Сегодня
Lawyer, journalist, head of the Ukrainian National Congress of Women, and a recognized master of charity, she became a model of charm and efficiency for millions of compatriots. Speaking of Marina, observers and experts note the modern style of her life and work, full-blooded and sincere, devoid of traditional clichés and prejudices, transparent, and extremely effective. From the outside, Marina Kornienko-Mizrakh looks like a typical successful Kyiv lady. She seems to embody the European choice of our country with all its values and nuances.

The mother of three children, the wife of a famous political scientist and pop star (Igor Mizrakh), and the owner of a large hospitable home, Marina Kornienko-Mizrakh confidently shows that hard work and a cozy personal life are compatible and harmoniously complement each other.
Marina Kornienko-Mizrakh was a regular participant in elite premieres and charity concerts. She held the titles “Mom of the Year” and “Lawyer of the Year” and was a leader in many social ratings and polls.
But public recognition came to Marina Valerievna for a reason. For the public organization National Congress of Women of Ukraine, the charity has always been not an element of self-promotion, but a regular large-scale work that requires attention and clarity.

The activities of Marina V. Kornienko-Mizrakh as the National Women’s Congress of Ukraine leader have never been limited to formal procedures and actions typical of public organizations of this type.
Congress activists have been taking care of those who are left without support in the rapidly changing modern world for many years, helping to single mothers and large families, the disabled, and the elderly who have no one to take care of them.

Marina Kornienko-Mizrakh gained fame as a lawyer who defends the rights of people to state aid. She has won several court hearings, during which she defended the rights of representatives of socially vulnerable categories. Marina Valerievna still makes sure that state aid reaches those to whom it is intended, provides legal support for large charitable projects, and provides individual legal help to large families, single mothers, and disabled people. The state is increasingly cooperating with Marina Kornienko-Mizrakh and highly appreciates her skill and dedication.
However, legal advice is not limited to help. People from UNWK hold fundraising campaigns, bring food and doctors to their wards, and buy them clothes and the medicines.

As for the journalistic activity of Marina Kornienko-Mizrakh, it’s frankly applied and socially significant. Information about the needs and rights of people for whose support the state provides benefits and significant financial subsidies took the primary place in her publications.
Besides, Marina Valerievna strives to increase the general level of legal literacy of Ukrainians, the low level of which is used by unscrupulous officials and schemers. In particular, Marina Kornienko-Mizrakh focused the attention of the public on the fact that a child does not need to pay a state duty of obtaining a foreign passport. The law of Ukraine does not provide for payment for this service.
The information turned out to be timely and relevant, since many intermediary organizations, taking advantage of the ignorance of the population, issued foreign passports commercially, charging fees for documents of children under 16 years of age. Over time, the activities carried out by Marina Valerievna Kornienko-Mizrakh are becoming more and more large-scale and significant, acquiring new directions and more effectiveness.
But the essence of all her projects remains the same. This is an active kindness, devoid of ambition and narcissism, but full of a desire to help their compatriots gain confident life support.
Officials and international philanthropists, charitable foundations and influential publications, lawyers, and social experts trust Marina Kornienko-Mizrakh with no reservations. “The good angel of hard times,” as the media dubbed Marina, transforms this trust, as well as her young energy, into saving help to people, bringing goodness, light, hope, and beauty to the world.